There is a new version of the MMDVM software available. I just updated my ZUMspot using the script provided by Pi-Star.

To perform an update, follow these steps

  1. go to the Admin page. Change the URL so it points to “/admin/expert/”, you should only have to add the “/expert/”.
  2. On the menu select “SSH Access”
  3. Log into the shell using the same username and password you used for the Admin page
  4. enter the command “sudo pistar-zumspotflash”
  5. at the end of the update it will ask you to press “any key” to restart.
  6. I had to do a power cycle before mine would work after the update.

That’s it. Easy to do.

Here are notes from the recent updates:

1.1.0 Release notes (2018-01-06)

  • New firmware identification strings for different hotspot boards
  • Support for CW ID
  • Support for RF power control level from MMDVM.ini
  • Fix bug deviation setting

1.0.2 Release notes (2017-10-22)

  • Increasing output power for ZUMspot//MMDVM_HS
  • Increasing ring buffers and DMR TX buffer
  • Adding bin firmware for MMDVM_HS_Hat

1.0.1 Release notes (2017-08-26)

  • Fix serial port freeze bug
  • Changing IF filter BW to 12.5 kHz (D-Star and P25). This will improve sensitivity.
  • Adding IF fine calibration
  • Adding runtime debug at start-up
  • LEDs selftest at power-up